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Brain maintains the homeostasis of your energy metabolism

Homeostasis is defined as a self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions

We can keep normal body weight, blood glucose levels, and body temperature.

This is because the brain monitors the body’s nutritional status.


For example, when the blood glucose level drops, some neurons in the brain are activated to increase appetite and gluconeogenesis in the liver to restore blood glucose levels.


In contrast, an increase in blood glucose level is sensed by the brain, promotes the feeling of fullness, and increases glucose utilization in peripheral tissues to decrease blood glucose.

You may experience difficulty in decreasing body weight when you are on a diet.

The brain senses a decrease in body weight and attempts to restore energy status.


Hunger may irritate you because the sensation of energy shortage changes the neuronal activity in the brain region that controls emotion.


How does our brain monitor energy status and how does it regulate appetite, glucose metabolism, emotion, and behavior?



Our study reveals some of these mechanisms.


This research is ongoing.


Join our team to discover a new mechanism!


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